074  890 9756  /  072 209 0192


To support growth and development of South African economy through continued application of ethical, good practice environmental friendly services.


In our quest to keep the wheels of excellence turning, we are committed to being recognized as an acclaimed and trend setting organization which provides innovative and comprehensive value adding services to all our clients, with sound business principles, standards and ethics.



KENDIS BHEKAMINA seeks to establish itself as an empowerment concern that is socially and commercially viable and maintain quality service to all its clients by adopting the following policies:

  •  • Ensuring senior personnel hands on  involvement in all phases of all projects life cycles
  •  • Ensure a working relation with the community and other concerns within our sectors
  •  • Eco friendly and empowerment principles
  •  • Job creation opportunities, Carbon footprint reduction and zero waste principles
  •  • Our people and clients represent an investment in growth, progress and prosperity thus mutual    respect transparency and integrity are non-negotiable.
  •  • Meticulous planning, training and skills transfer coupled with a thorough understanding of the    nature of the businesses we operate within represent the cornerstone of our success.
  •  • We provide our clients with a 24 hours call service in case of all emergencies.
  •  • Our race for quality has no finish line. The road to improved performance never ends.